The Oil Industrys Best-kept Secret - A book full of inspiration and advice

My career has fuelled my passion for the outdoors. As a geologist your core training includes fieldwork and being outside. If you couldn’t cope with being out in the rain on the isle of Arran in the middle of March, you wouldn’t get far. “I’ve always had quite a bit of self-doubt but then I’ve OFTEN surprised myself” I’ve developed a love for what I see and do in my work. It’s very rare that we have a day out (my husband is also a geologist) and we don’t talk about the rocks that we see. It’s a part of our life and has given us some really exciting opportunities. Everyone has their own way of balancing work and family. I think the key is to be flexible; it’s what works for us. As a couple, we both have the flexibility to work at home and we

Where educated: Girton College, University of Cambridge, University of Edinburgh

can pick up any outstanding work once our children are in bed. It’s a totally equal partnership – we both do our fair share. We enjoy having a busy lifestyle, but even when we’re working long hours it doesn’t impact on family life. I once read an excellent quote from a senior businesswoman: “Children remember mood more than the amount of time that you’re with them.” I think that’s absolutely right. For me, quality family time is when we are all sitting around the table, laughing and learning together or we are up a mountain or on our bikes. I want our children to grow up seeing both parents at work as the norm. I know it’s not right for everyone, but I question when someone makes a conscious decision not to work – how do they influence their children to be ambitious and understand they can go far? For me it’s important to be that role model and show my children what they can achieve.

First job: Production Geologist, Shell UK Ltd

Advice to your 15-year- old self? Keep being flexible in your study and career choices. It’s going to make life interesting – and more enjoyable! A moment of inspiration? One of many from the great outdoors! My personal life is dominated by outdoor activities – rock climbing, ice climbing, skiing, sea kayaking, mountain biking, wild camping.

“I’ve developed a love for what I see and do in my work.”

Geologist and Project Manager

Professional Women of the Future Award



Exploration Geologist

Senior Geologist

Senior Geologist, Joint Ventures






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