Energy Transition Outlook 2021


Appendix: emission methodology The below methodology sets out OGUK’s preferred method for gathering and collating data which encompasses the totality of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from the upstream oil and gas sector, including those emitted from offshore oil and gas installations, onshore terminals processing oil and gas, offshore shipping supporting UK oil and gas production (logistics and drilling rigs) and aviation transportation (helicopter journeys). The targets cover the full scope of GHGs: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride gases. For the purposes of evaluating the upstream oil and gas production industry as an entity, OGUK has broadly used the definition outlined in IPIECA’s ‘Petroleum industry guidelines for reporting greenhouse gas emissions’ . Scope 1 emissions are defined as UKCS oil and gas installations, onshore terminals processing UK oil and gas, offshore shipping supporting UK oil and gas production (logistics and drilling rigs) and aviation transportation (helicopter journeys). OGUK continues to work with stakeholders to agree metrics for emissions reporting and, this year sees industry’s emissions move to IPCC AR5 with Carbon Feedbacks applying a 100-year time horizon 25 using 34 tCO 2 e/tCH4 and 298 tCO 2 e/tN2O. As HFC’s, PFC’s and SF6’s contributes negligible emissions, data is limited. In discussions, member and external stakeholder estimates have been applied.



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