Decommissioning Insight 2019

7.8 Survey Development and Methodology Data for this report have been provided by 31 operators across the UKCS, either as part of the Asset Stewardship Survey overseen by the OGA, or independently by OGUK, and have been compiled on a confidential basis. For the fifth year, data has also been contributed by other offshore oil and gas producing countries around the North Sea, specifically the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark. Five key operators provided data from Norway, 11 from the Netherlands, and three From Denmark. Data from the Netherlands came from Nextstep, a joint initiative of Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN) and the Dutch oil and gas industry, represented by NOGEPA. OGUK also collated data directly from operators in Norway and Denmark. The co-operation of all operators, industry associations and regulators is greatly appreciated. The forecasts in this report are provided by operators and represent their best estimates at the time of the survey, and timing are therefore subject to change. As in previous reports, Decommissioning Insight 2019 focuses on cost and activities over the next decade, placing a spotlight on tangible opportunities available to the UK’s decommissioning supply chain. The UK industry should be able to use the information in this report to help position itself as a global leader in the decommissioning market. The UK decommissioning industry has developed a standard approach for collating costs using the Decommissioning WBS which is contained within OGUK Decommissioning Cost Estimation Guidelines . 18 Over the years, Decommissioning Insight reports have used this structured approach to analyse the dataset and present the latest trends. The OGA has adopted this industry initiative and uses the WBS to collect information from operators in their annual asset stewardship process, which is a good example of how UK regulators are working proactively with industry. This year, minor adjustments were made to the WBS 19 to reflect latest industry practices included in operator submissions for the Asset Stewardship survey. These clarifications will also allow OGUK and the OGA to better analyse the data and improve insights.












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